December 2024
In Gaze N°9: We take you to the places where new erotic languages are being written…
What happens when the turn-ons you’ve always relied upon in bed hit a bug in the system? The story of how I reconfigured my fantasies. —Text: Chloé Thibaud. Photos: Romy Alizée.
Under the belt
Victoire Tuaillon takes us inside the last few hours before a hotly anticipated date, in this new piece of erotic fiction. —Illustrations: Victoire Gazzola.
Art Herstory
She was the first ever temptress, the one who brought forth evil. Her story is well-known: in the Garden of Eden, she bit the forbidden apple and made Adam bite it too, leading to both of them being expelled from paradise. The act was transformed into a metaphor for the “sins of the flesh”, rendering all women potential sinners.—Text: Audrey Couppé de Kermadec. —Photo: Kianuê Tran Kieu.
Hot skin, cold water
Nature has the power to rouse dormant desires; its sheer beauty and immensity can even be an erotic trigger. So says Colombe, from a little bay in the South of France, where the sea strokes glistening rock. —Text: Colombe Serrand. Photos: Clés-Nikita.
Empower play
In Wondra’s queer paradise, sex is joyful, consent can be given in 1001 different ways, each more erotic than the last, and taking your clothes off means empowerment.—Photos: Wondra.
Odeurs de l’éros
As a vehicle of emotion, fragrance also holds up a mirror to imagination and desire, both collective and individual. —Text: Nolyne Cerda. Photo: Luna Trista.
Pas de deux
Mirror, mirror
Dancers’ bodies have long been regarded as objects, onto which the audience projects their fantasies. When they dance, cabaret performer Mimi and waacking dancer Muteki No Rena both use the mirror to create a carnal relationship with their bodies. “In dance, everything is erotic,” they tell us. But not in the way you’d think... —Text: Mathilde Delli. Photos: Aurélie Chantelly.
On the other side of the screen
How can you stay connected to your own erotic imagination, when it’s your job to embody everyone else’s? —Text: Zoé Faucher. Photo: Amandine Kuhlmann.
There are moments that we record carefully, so we can look back at how far we have come. Trans icon of the Paris cabaret club scene in the 1950s and 1960s, Bambi remembers how she burst onto the scene with one goal in mind: to live for herself.
Words of desire
Eroticism came back to Kiyémis through words, after she thought it had left the building for good. For Gaze, the French writer has curated some of the poetry, penned by women, that re-lit her fire. —Texts: Rim Battal, Lisette Lombé, Coline Pierre.
Culture list
What to watch, read, listen to
The Gaze team gives you its female gaze cultural recommendations for continuing the "Erotica" theme.
Also in this issue...
Also in this issue...
Mona Chollet
Her name is chanted at protests, and her essays shine out as beacons in the flood of feminist literature. Fascinated by the contradictions of essayist Mona Chollet, Mélissa Chidiac rediscovers her as a leading figure in intersectionality
Female legacy
Gaëlle and Naomi
Gaëlle has passed on plenty of great things to her children, especially her two daughters. But she also handed down the risk of being a carrier of the BRCA2 gene mutation, like herself, which is responsible for an increased prevalence of breast and ovarian cancers, and that’s a legacy that can be hard to figure out. —Text: Thais Pigeault. Photos: Andrea Olga Mantovani.
Park Slope, My alexandria
It’s an unremarkable building on an unremarkable street in Brooklyn, New York. But behind its unremarkable door, lie the Lesbian Herstory Archives. In response to the crossing of the wilderness that was the construction of my own identity; in search of lesbian heritage; stories; legends; – a presence – I push open the door. —Text: Camille Regache.
War and the patriarchy
In Syria, Kurdish women fighters are achieving hero status that removes them – for a time – from the patriarchal hierarchy in the country. We went to meet the women who have found freedom by taking up arms. —Text and photos: Lily Chavance & Clémentine Mariuzzo.
Personal Pantheon
November Ultra
Who would feature in your own pantheon of inspiring women? The singer November Ultra shares hers.